Artykuł naukowy: Hryniewicz, K., & Weichbroth, P. (2018). The mediating role of emotions and cognition between participation in social media communities and building trust of the brand. In J. Kowal, A. Kuzio, J. Makio, G. Paliwoda-Pękosz, & P. Soja (Eds.), ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies ( ICTM ) International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies (pp. 260–277). Wroclaw: University of Wrocław.
No Fluff Jobs (NFJ) is an IT industry leading job posting web portal in Poland, also offering a variety of everyday products, under its own brand on the No Fluff Coder (NFC) commercial online store. NFJ is available to be followed on social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and many more, providing job offers, publishing up-to-date content, sharing facts and opinions with the users, as well as with its customers. However, content makers and company managers have limited understanding how social media affect their trust and intention to buy. To fill this gap, we investigated 146 (114 males and 32 females) NFJ portal users in order to observe the impact of organization-created social media content on brand trust (BT) and purchase intention (PI) by using a standardized online survey, available online from May to August 2018. To test the conceptual model, we applied partial least squares (PLS) method to construct and estimate the multivariate structural model in order to explain the behaviour of respondents by extracting underlying latent factors. The empirical results show that following NFJ on social media facilitates the connection with the employees from IT sector and determines their intention to following NFC on social media. The mediating variables in building trust and purchase intention have cognitive attitude (CA) and emotional attitude (EA). In conceptualizing the construct of brand trust we considered four latent factors, namely: job application intention (JAI), service interaction intention (SII), job recommendation intention (JRI) and content recommendation intention (CRI). The main conclusion from the study show the importance of social media in building brand trust and creating purchase intention, necessary to maintain current and acquire new followers and customers who eventually determine the
existence and further development of NFJ and NFC.
Keywords: Social Media, Brand Trust, Purchase Intention.
O artykule
Artykuł przedstawia (klik) wyniki badania ukazującego to jak bycie częścią społeczności marki i chęć jej budowania wpływa na zaufanie do marki (korzystanie z usług tej marki, chęć zakupu oferowanych przez nią produktów, polecanie marki innym, dobre relacje z marką). Między budowaniem i uczestniczeniem w społeczności marki a wyrażaniem zaufania do niej pośredniczły istotnie pozytywne emocje i przekonania na temat badanej marki.